What is Club Baseball

Club baseball teams are formed to practice and compete together for a majority of the year.

The year is divided into tryouts, fall play, a break, winter practices, spring league play and tournament season.

The year is divided into various sections, starting with tryouts. Following tryouts, the fall season begins, which involves a combination of practice sessions, scrimmages, and league matches. After the fall season, there is a break that lasts a few months, usually during the fall and early winter. Practice resumes during the winter months, this time taking place indoors. As spring approaches, outdoor practice commences in March, leading up to several tournaments, league games, and the highly anticipated tournament season during the summer. Tournament season usually takes place on weekends, spanning from Fridays to Sundays, occasionally including Thursday games. Overall, club baseball provides an extensive and structured opportunity for players to train, compete, and showcase their skills throughout the year.


Teams usually have multiple days for tryouts.

An offer to join the team will be shortly after tryouts.





Fall can be made up of practices and league play or practices and scrimmages depending on the team.

Some teams have winter workouts, that are not baseball specific workouts, in addition to indoor cage based drills and batting.

Many times practice is twice a week in addition to the workout sessions.

Outdoor practices launch with the start of a few tournaments and league play starts. This is a very busy time of year with multiple games per week for league play and potentially a tournament.

Tournaments tend to be anywhere for 4 to 5 games in 2 to 3 days.

This is tournament season. League play has ended and games will now be on extended weekends. This can be Fridays through Sundays, anywhere from 4 to 6 games per tournament.

Many teams practice 2 days a week in between the weekends.